High Street

View of High St. and Madison St, looking east down High St. in the 1920’s.

Jefferson City Trolley Cars

In 1911, street car service began in the city. The cars operated in Jefferson City until 1934.

Missouri State Capitol

A $1 million budget surplus remained after the Missouri State Capitol was completed in 1917. The Capitol Decoration Commission was created to design interior and exterior artwork for the building. The Missouri State Capitol has been ranked #1 as state capitol building with the most beautiful interior by USA Today. Free tours are provided at the information desk in the rotunda. The Missouri history museum on the ground floor is free and open to the public.

MSP Description

The penitentiary opened its doors the same year the Alamo fell in 1836. During its 168-year operation, the prison was dubbed the “bloodiest 47 acres in America” due to the many deaths, riots, and escapes “the walls” saw. Decommissioned in 2004, the facility now operates as a tourist attraction and is open for history and paranormal tours from March – November. To learn more about the tours and their availability, visit missouripentours.com.

Tweedie Building

This Italianate, three-story building is significant for its two-story oriel windows of cypress and lathed in copper. A saloon and theater were located here, and later a pool hall, feed store, shoe store, and a variety of shops.